Event category: Denmark

„Udsigten“ (The View), A Photo Exhibit on Climate Change

Grandparents’ Climate Action in Aarhus in collaboration with photographer Jacob Dall has organized a climate photo exhibition „Udsigten“ at Dokk1 from 28.11.23 to 5.1.24. The photos are a selection from the book +2°C Consequences and are therefore titled +2 oC

The exhibition is funded by the Reisby Foundation, among others.

Danish Overshoot Day -sorry.

Overshoot Day already hit Denmark on 28 March. 11 from Grandparents Climate Action reminded people on the shopping street about the event. Accompanied by clarinet music.

March against the port expansion, Aarhus, Denmark

Together with 3-400 others from various green movements in Aarhus, we said no to the expansion of the harbor and destruction of the maritime environment in the bay. The Grandparents’ Climate Action participated and entertained, among other things with group singing.

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Stuðningur framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópu-sambandsins við þetta rit felur ekki í sér stuðning við innihald þess sem endurspeglar aðeins skoðanir höfunda og ekki er hægt að gera framkvæmdastjórnina ábyrga á hvers kyns notkun sem kann að vera á upplýsingum sem þar er að finna. Verkefnisnúmer: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000026601
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