Event category: Cyprus

Become Volunteer

“If you have a few hours to spare, why not work with us as volunteer?”

The Cyprus Red Cross Society relies for its existence and operation on the help of more than 4000 dedicated people, who contribute their time and effort on a voluntary basis in providing humanitarian and other services, including money collections, necessary for carrying out the work and fulfilling the mission of the C.R.C.S.
The volunteers work selflessly in all the towns and districts of Cyprus, responding to emergency situations, helping vulnerable people and providing first aid, relief, solidarity and support to those in need.
By registering as a volunteer you will be able to help and become member of the largest humanitarian organization in the world.
All you have to do in order to register as volunteer is complete the form MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OF THE CYRPUS RED CROSS and send it to the C.R.C.S., or you can contact us:

Donkey Sanctuary (Cyprus)

Donkey Sanctuary (Cyprus) provides a permanent, caring home to unwanted, neglected and mistreated donkeys in Cyprus.

We also operate an Outreach Programme throughout the districts of Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia, Famagusta and Paphos. Many donkeys remain an important agricultural animal on the island particularly working in vineyards where machinery can’t reach.

Our team frequently encounter donkeys suffering with overgrown feet, parasites (such as worms), dental problems and untreated wounds. Although we ask for a donation, all treatments are provided free of charge and much emphasis is given on working with the owners to help prevent problems in the future. In cases where the animal is too old to work, has health problems that can be dealt with, the owner is struggling to care for the animal or is simply no longer wanted, we will rescue the donkey.

We are keen to share our knowledge and expertise on donkey care and welfare. Information on donkey care is readily available and we frequently give advice to animal health professionals, including vets and farriers, We are keen to continue giving talks to schools by visiting them to help children understand more about donkeys’ needs.

Our work in Cyprus is funded by public donations and there are many ways of helping the Sanctuary: Spreading the word, adopting one of the rescued donkeys or simply sending a donation all helps us to continue our vital work.

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Stuðningur framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópu-sambandsins við þetta rit felur ekki í sér stuðning við innihald þess sem endurspeglar aðeins skoðanir höfunda og ekki er hægt að gera framkvæmdastjórnina ábyrga á hvers kyns notkun sem kann að vera á upplýsingum sem þar er að finna. Verkefnisnúmer: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000026601
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