Online observatory

Plastic waste elimination

I am an architect PhD. and active in recycling of plastic…

Donkey Sanctuary (Cyprus)

Donkey Sanctuary (Cyprus) provides a permanent, caring ho…

Become Volunteer

“If you have a few hours to spare, why not work with us a…

« Udsigten » (The View), A Photo Exhibit on Climate Change

Grandparents’ Climate Action in Aarhus in collaboration w…

Intergenerational seeds

As part of the « White Hair Festival » organised by the mun…

Intergenerational meeting to build shelters for wild native animals

Recently, Associação BioLiving promoted an environmental…

Monitoring and weeding follow-up activity in the Bois de Cergy

Boomforest promotes the creation of native forests withou…

Danish Overshoot Day -sorry.

Overshoot Day already hit Denmark on 28 March. 11 from Gr…

March against the port expansion, Aarhus, Denmark

Together with 3-400 others from various green movements i…

Seniores e trabalhadores do setor da terceira idade em ação de voluntariado para a reflorestação

A Associação BioLiving – através do projeto Albergaria + …
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