
Grey4Green Newsletter

Issue #1 - January 2023
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Active ageing and climate action through the involvement of senior citizens in nature conservation

Grey4Green is an Erasmus+ project aims to promote active ageing and contribute to climate action through the involvement of senior citizens in nature conservation volunteering programs and through the capacity of personnel working in the third age sector to develop and implement such programs.

Coming Soon

Image meeting in Aarhus
Second Transnational Project Meeting in Aarhus
It has already been almost a year since the start of the Grey4Green project! After the first consortium meeting held in October in Iceland, the partners will meet in Aarhus for four equally intense and fruitful days in February 2023.
Image get involved
Get involved and make a difference!
Are you a senior who is passionate about nature conservation? There are so many ways for seniors to get involved in nature conservation as volunteers. Take the first step today and start making a difference in the natural world!

News from the Project

Image first presentation
First presentation of the project to Icelandic organisations
On the 24th of January the Grey4Green partner Environment Agency of Iceland met three key stakeholders that showed great interest and enthusiasm for the project. It was a good opportunity to share participants' knowledge and experience in organising volunteering projects or working with the elderly.
Image volunteering actions
Grey4Green brought together different generations into volunteering actions
The Municipality of Lousada, together with the contributions of three schools, organised tree plantation actions to promote intergenerational volunteering. As elderly people feel strongly motivated to help nature conservation by thinking about future generations and being around them, the initiative was a true success!
Image BioFòrum Conference
The Grey4Green project was presented at the national BioFòrum Conference (Portugal)
On November the 5th, the Grey4Green project was presented during the national BioFòrum Conference (Portugal) as a positive example of a project aimed at promoting active ageing while contributing to climate action.

●●● more

Image vildskoven lever videre
Vildskoven lever videre (The wild forest lives on)
Not everybody knows that in the South of Aarhus, a forest belt stretches 7 kilometres along the coast. The part of the forest near the city is known as Marselisborg Skovene (the Marselisborg Forests), where the Municipality of Aarhus decided to set up a Forest User Council.
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Co-funded by the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: KA220-ADU-2021-017

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