First presentation of the project to Icelandic organisations

On the 24th of January was held the first Grey4Green meeting in Iceland to introduce the project and its objectives to future potential partners.

The meeting was really successful, the Reykjavík municipality (Reykjavíkurborg), the Icelandic environment association (Sjálfboðaliðasamtök um náttúruvernd) and the Icelandic Forestry Association (Skógræktarfélag Íslands) showed great interest and enthusiasm for the project.

The aim of the meeting was to get to know one another, have an overview of each of the participants’ knowledge and experience in organising volunteering projects or working with the elderly and, of course, start building a local Grey4Green group.

“Our main goal during this meeting was to create an Icelandic team that will work together in the future,” said the EAI staff.

There are many initiatives and projects organised already in Iceland so this is exciting to create more synergy between institutions and propose more projects to 60+ volunteers. In the next few weeks, the discussion will continue among the participants of the meeting and, hopefully, more partners will join the group!









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