Vildskoven lever videre (The wild forest lives on)
Vildskoven lever videre (The wild forest lives on)
Not everybody knows that in the South of Aarhus, a forest belt stretches 7 kilometres along the coast. The part of the forest near the city is known as Marselisborg Skovene (the Marselisborg Forests).
The large, continuous and old beech stands which can be seen in this area are quite unique in Denmark and for this reason, a Forest User Council for the Marselisborg Forest in Aarhus was created by the Municipality of Aarhus so that its users can discuss and weigh their respective interests against each other. The 16- person Council is now in place and the first working meeting was held in December chairmanship of Aarhus Municipality, Technology and Environment Department. The municipality hopes to avoid or minimise conflicts and to create a common understanding of the measures being taken, partly as a result of the decision to create and wilder nature in the Marselisborg forests and partly to support and develop outdoor life.
This is an initial effort of the Aarhus insights Municipality in partnership with NGOs, among others, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation.
The Danish Society for Nature Conservation (DN) work focuses on the use and protection of the environment:
– Danes should have access to nature and actually use it to enjoy great, enriching nature experiences.
– It is DNs ongoing task to uphold and inculcate the fundamental premise on which all recreational activities should be conducted: on the premise of nature and taking into account the fragile ecosystem that the forest represents, before anything else.
– There is a need for a wider understanding and acceptance that biodiversity itself is a legitimate and equal “actor” that, in line with all the other interests, should be given dedicated space and opportunities, and not just be subordinated in any context.
To know more click here (only the DK version is available).
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