The Environment Agency of Iceland (Umheverfisstofnun), as partner of the Grey4Green Project, hosted its multiplier event on October 23rd, 2024, in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The goal of the conference was to encourage both senior citizens and stakeholders to actively participate in conversation about nature and environmental projects. In particular, the roundtable with the participation of various experts focused on the importance of nature for the physical and mental health of elderly people.
In doing so, the Environment Agency of Iceland brought together not only senior citizens, but also municipalities from all over Iceland, organisations working with elderlies (Bjartlíf, Félag Eldri Borgara, University of the Third Age (U3A)), senior citizens’ organisation ALDIN, the university of Iceland and physiotherapy specialists, as well as organisation working in nature conservation (landvernd, Ocean Integrity Iceland).
Although the harsh weather of Iceland did not allow for an outdoor activity, the feedback from the participants was very positive: they found the focus on the health benefits of nature for the elderly very interesting.
The event achieved its goal by creating a network between seniors and potential organisers of volunteer projects and raising awareness of how everyone, including elderly people, can contribute to environmental protection.
Useful links:
Environment Agency of Iceland (Umheverfisstofnun):
Félag Eldri Borgara:
University of the Third Age (U3A):
Ocean Integrity Iceland: