The policy paper ‘Unravelling the potential of active ageing for nature conservation’ collects the main outcomes which emerged throughout the project, which will be a useful tool for policymakers to integrate into their policymaking activity.
The research is based on both the oral and written feedback provided by the participants (elderly), the third age personnel, the project partners and all the relevant stakeholders which were involved during the activities. Thanks to their valuable input, the Grey4Green Team was able to elaborate several policy recommendations, both at local and national level, which could be valid and applicable to all the EU member states, with the adequate adjustments. In fact, all the partners of the project noted that the reactions and advice received were similar even though the project took place in diverse geographical and cultural contexts (Cyprus, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal and France).
Among the local policy recommendations, the project identified the importance of: 1) creating accessible, safe, and environmentally friendly public spaces; 2) promoting more occasions/initiatives to match people interested in volunteering and promoting organisations; 3) emphasising the social and educational aspects of volunteering.
Similarly, at national level the policy recommendations included are: 1) lead more conservation projects; 2) create specific national programs/projects/initiatives to include elderly in the community and in nature conservation; 3) elaborate a specific strategy for nature and biodiversity conservation.
Click the link to read and download the full Policy Paper : GREY4GREEN IO8 Policy Paper