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Second International Exchange of the Grey4Green Project in Aarhus: raising their voice

As part of the European Project ‘Grey4Green’, Aarhus hosted the second of three international exchanges, marking an important step towards promoting healthy aging beyond borders through nature conservation. The 4 days were a full immersion for senior participants into green initiatives performed in Denmark both on municipal and citizen level, as well as knowledge about how volunteering can play a valuable part in active aging.

Together, seniors from Portugal, Iceland and Denmark took part in a presentation on senior voluntarism in Denmark given to them by the head of  ‘Ældresagen’. They were given a tour and presentation of a socio-economic initiative hosting i.a. a repair café and ‘Den Grønne Ambasade’, (The Green Embassy) an informal meeting place in the heart of Aarhus with a focus on nature, climate, health, green communities, volunteerism, citizenship and co-creation.

FO-Aarhus hosted the Exchange in collaboration with the dedicated seniors from the organization “Grandparents’ Climate Action” (Bedsteforældrenes klimaaktion Århus)  who welcomed the international visitors into their world of climate action and environmental consciousness. The visitors were shown how the Danish seniors fight – as volunteers – for a green approach and climate action. Alongside their Danish peers, the visitors actively participated in singing for the environment and climate action. They prepared posters for and participated to a silent march and protest in front of a main public building.

Outside the city, the seniors visited the organic market garden “Peter’s Gartneri”. They also visited the biologist and project manager Carsten Monsrud, who oversees a project to turn a forest into a wild forest. He showed them around and explained to the participants about the aim of the project, which is to lead to a higher level of biodiversity.

During the Exchange, the project once again empowered senior citizens, fostered a sense of belonging, enhanced interpersonal competences, and celebrated cultural diversity. The visiting seniors went back to their home countries with new knowledge and valuable experience.


Useful links:

Ældresagen website:

Ældresagen Facebook page: 

Sager der Samler (”Citizen Change”) website:

Sager der Samler (”Citizen Change”) Facebook page:

Bedsteforældrenes Klimaaktion (”Grandparents’ Climate Action”) website:

Bedsteforældrenes Klimaaktion (”Grandparents’ Climate Action”) Facebook page:

Den Grønne Ambasade (“The Green Embassy”) website:

Den Grønne Ambasade (“The Green Embassy”) Facebook page:

Peter’s Gartneri website:


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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000026601
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