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Seniors plogging in Lousada

In Lousada, senior volunteers recently engaged in an environmental initiative based on the concept of plogging, where they combined jogging with litter collection. These senior groups collected over 50 kg of trash from local streets, raising community awareness about environmental issues, especially pollution.

Beyond the environmental impact, the activity also promoted healthy aging. By participating in plogging, seniors enjoyed physical exercise through walking, which is beneficial for maintaining their health. Moreover, the initiative fostered emotional well-being as the seniors socialized with one another and interacted with the community. This collective effort not only improved the environment but also strengthened social bonds and enhanced the seniors’ quality of life.

Part of the collected trash was recycled, while some items were carefully selected and cleaned by the senior volunteers. These items were then transformed into an artistic construction by the seniors. This artwork will be displayed in schools across different districts to raise awareness among children about environmental issues. The project aims to teach that everyone, regardless of their generation, can positively contribute to the community and the environment. By showcasing the creative reuse of waste, the seniors hope to inspire the younger generation to take active roles in protecting our planet and understanding the importance of recycling and waste reduction.

The activities were conducted within the scope of the BioSénior Programme, in collaboration with some informal senior movements, except for one formal institution, ADASM, that it’s a social and solidarity association.

Useful links:

ADASM – Associação de Desenvolvimento e Apoio Social de Meinedo

BioSénior Programme


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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000026601
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