The Icelandic Conservation volunteers (ICV) programme has started on the 4th of June. The first week is the training week, in which the 16 new volunteers will learn about nature conservation in Iceland, path building and maintenance and team dynamics. They will also have the chance to get to explore the area where they are working, discovering the unique Icelandic nature and landscapes. The training week is the occasion for experienced leaders to share their knowledge. The teams are composed of 4 new volunteers and a team leader, a volunteer who has spent at least one summer In Iceland before. The teams work on a location for a week with the local managers and the rangers, mainly in protected areas all around Iceland.
The key word of the everyday life of an ICV volunteer is outdoor, as the 4 teams, are working outside and… camp in tents !

Each of the team gets to achieve a different kind of project during the 10 weeks they spent in Iceland in 10 different locations, making their experience unique.
The training week of the volunteers starts with presentations and theoretical material on the first day, conducted by the coordinator and the experienced leaders. Their insight is precious since they do have more field experience and know how to face a problem and find a solution. Then the volunteers get to learn about path building and maintenance practices, using local resources either stone and/or wood.
The training week is crucial since it sets the foundation of the work the volunteers will achieve for the 10 weeks of the programme.
The different techniques that are taught during this training week have been gathered in a handbook that Roger, a senior volunteer, had written over the years.
To keep you updated on their activities, follow the ICV on Facebook