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The Grey4Green consortium met for its third transnational project meeting and the first training activity took place


Undoubtedly, 2023 has been one of the busiest and most rewarding years of the Grey4Green project. This year we are already putting into practice everything we have planned, designed, and created to involve senior volunteers in environmental action

Our First Training Activity: 



From the 9th until the 12th of May, Cyprus received 20 key stakeholders in the topic of volunteering to provide training that encouraged them to find opportunities for senior volunteers.  We dare to say that it was an enriching experience for all participants to work with people from different countries, ages and backgrounds. We certainly learned a lot from each other.




The agenda of the First Training Course entitled  “Active Ageing and Nature Conservation” included:


  • Basic concepts of ecology and nature
  • Concepts on Active ageing
  • Volunteering programmes for nature conservation
  • Programme Management
  • Human Resources and Logistics
  • Engagement, communications, and outreach

These topics were delivered with lots of enthusiasm as well as energetic activities that allowed participants to get to know each other and their stories better.

The agenda also included a day of outdoor training in the Athalassa National Forest Park, where we were able to connect with nature and our purpose, as well as explore Nicosia a bit more.

All participants will be awarded a Europass Mobility certification and this training activity holds significant importance for the Grey4Green project as the following activities will be designed based on the feedback we receive from participants.

Our third Transnational Project Meeting

Simultaneously with our training, the Grey4Green Consortium convened its third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Cyprus. During two days of intensive collaboration, discussion, and planning, we were able to analyze the progress of the project and the activities carried out so far.

The valuable feedback, ideas, and planning of all our members supported a clean organisation of the upcoming activities. It was a great time to set new deadlines for upcoming outputs as well as to review the current status of the project.

Notably, the meeting showcased our Online Platform designed for upcoming environmental volunteering events. This platform, already live and regularly updated by our partners, serves as an excellent tool for discovering and posting volunteering opportunities. Should you have a volunteering opportunity you wish to publish, we encourage you to utilize our website.

Together we can help empower senior volunteers to take action for the environment!

This TPM has also enabled us to start organising our second training activity, which we are happy to announce will take place in Strasbourg, France. Our partner ALDA will kindly host the trainees for several enriching days of training.


Thanks to our partner, CARDET, for hosting our participants and the consortium at their offices in Nicosia.

Stay tuned for more news on Grey4Green activities, we cannot be more excited about what is to come!

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000026601
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