Event category : Reforesting

Monitoring and weeding follow-up activity in the Bois de Cergy

Boomforest promotes the creation of native forests without maintenance, in every terrain and also in urban zones. The organization stimulates the reforestation process using the Miyawaki plantation method. Those forests grow very fast (till 1 metre per year), are denser and contain a greater biodiversity with respect to classic afforestation methods. Moreover, they provide a positive social impact. These mini-forests can be easily planted everywhere in any kind of soil, being founded on the selection of specific local seeds, e.g. on residential zones, criss-cross squares, school buildings, enterprise and factory yards, river bords or marine coasts.

Thursday May 18, at 2 p.m., there is a follow-up activity in the Bois de Cergy for volunteers: two plantations were carried out in the Bois de Cergy between March 2021 and March 2023. The associations Science Nomade and Etudemploi, with whom Boomforest carried out the second plantation project, offer a follow-up activity open to everyone.

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