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Become Volunteer

“If you have a few hours to spare, why not work with us as volunteer?”

The Cyprus Red Cross Society relies for its existence and operation on the help of more than 4000 dedicated people, who contribute their time and effort on a voluntary basis in providing humanitarian and other services, including money collections, necessary for carrying out the work and fulfilling the mission of the C.R.C.S.
The volunteers work selflessly in all the towns and districts of Cyprus, responding to emergency situations, helping vulnerable people and providing first aid, relief, solidarity and support to those in need.
By registering as a volunteer you will be able to help and become member of the largest humanitarian organization in the world.
All you have to do in order to register as volunteer is complete the form MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OF THE CYRPUS RED CROSS and send it to the C.R.C.S., or you can contact us:

Date : December 30, 2023

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